How to Prepare a House for Sale in Nepal Checklist
Sometimes, you have an excellent property, but you are unable to sell it. The main reason for it is that your house doesn’t impose a good first impression on potential buyers. Whether that be in the internet pictures or a live visit, the ambiance inside your home seems somehow off. There are many reasons for it, and you will need to address everything holding back your property from making a statement to the visitors.
Well, to help you with that, here is the checklist to prepare a house for sale in Nepal. Follow these tips, and you will leave people reaching out to their checkbooks in no time.
See Also: The Best Tips on How You Can Start Investing in Real Estate in Nepal
Hire a Professional Real Estate Company to Advertise Your House
We are saying this for a reason. Nepal Real Estate Companies, such as us specialize in preparing houses for sales and selling them. We first visit your house, inspect it, and give you a proper idea of the rearrangements to highlight the best things in your house.
Then the next day, we bring in a professional camera crew to take mind-blowing pictures and videos of your house. And after that, we will post what you have on our site which has thousands of visitors every month. Don’t forget our Facebook and other social media accounts where we have tens of thousands of followers. All in all, we do everything that you need to sell your property in Nepal, and even that in an unbelievably low price.
Clean Your House
A clean property is a property that people buy. Clean your house; sweep the floor, vacuum every room, and wipe the dust off the gates and the window glass. Don’t forget your bathroom. Remember, you are a salesperson who wants to make a sale to his/her possession. And to get people interested in that, you should be able to show how your house looks when it is on its best.
Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer first. Would you genuinely be interested in something that that is dusty and dirty? Forget about buying; you would want to get out of the place before even inspecting it.
Remove all the Mess
This means make your rooms as spacy as possible. Consider the human conscience, you should put this perception in your buyer’s mind that the house is bigger as it seems. If you have dangling wires, unneeded chairs, clothes in the ground and anything else that makes the area seem too narrow to be comfortable, you can’t expect to get good results with your sale.
Also, highlighting your most expensive pieces of furniture’s sometimes does the trick. Well, even if you are not selling your house furnished, the person will still get the idea of how excellent the property looks when they have something magnificent to keep in there.
Paint it
Painting a house you are planning to leave soon- this might not seem a very practical idea for many. However, we still recommend you do it.
Yes, painting makes your house seem more attractive- that’s a given. But there is more into it. When you paint your property, it is going to create a mindset in the buyer that you maintain your place. It shows that you have always been serious about preserving the house, so it is in a condition they can buy. Thus, you could even say painting is a strategy if you are looking to prepare a house for sale in Nepal.
Repair if there are Problems
You will need to repair your house if there are blemishes. This includes peeling plaster/paint, leaking pipelines, holes in the wall, etc. Think about the scenario in which a visitor goes through every little thing; you will obviously make a sale when your house can deliver perfection.
Remember that people looking to buy a house compare it with a new house before buying. Think of this as a formula or a rule- the closer your house looks like the first time you moved in it, more the chances that you will actually sell it.
Remove any Bad Smell and Make the Surrounding More Lively
Buy a room air freshener, doing this will help create a cheerful feeling in the ones who visit your place. Also, you should consider adding some extra décor such as flower pots, arts (doesn’t need to be so expensive). And one thing that works a lot in contexts such as this is a wall clock.
You can pay a clock designer to design a wall clock, and put it somewhere your visitor can see. Here is the plan- you need to make your house look as much as unique as you can, and it doesn’t matter if you do that with the house itself or your stuff. Either way, you are just trying to create an impression.
Well, these were some tips for you to prepare a house for sale in Nepal. You can visit our listings and see the number of followers in case you are interested in posting your property on our website. We can sell it for you in little to no time with a comprehensive evaluation.